Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations

Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations

Remarks by Mr. Dmitry Maksimychev, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, at a Policy Briefing Organized by the FIA Foundation on Global Road Traffic Injury in the Context of the Post-2015 Agenda

Distinguished Chairperson,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Colleagues,

Let me first thank the FIA Foundation for convening this discussion as well as for inviting us to be part of it.

As you may know, the Russian Federation has been constantly advocating within the United Nations fora the promotion of road safety in the international agenda.

Road safety has been and still remains one of the most pressing challenges of our time, which embraces a whole variety of issues. Fatalities and injuries as a result of road accidents pose a serious threat to global health and produce a very negative impact on socio-economic progress and sustainable development.

Having realized the gravity of this problem, the governments have indeed taken serious counter-actions. Since 2003 road safety has become one of the indisputable priorities within the UN system. At its 57th session held in May 2003 the UN General Assembly adopted the first resolution entitled “Global road safety crisis”. From the very beginning, Russia has actively participated in international cooperation on road safety, and over the last few years we are among the driving forces of this important process. Notably, the First Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, which became a huge step forward for the international community, was held in Moscow in November 2009.

The outcome declaration of the Conference, which was held under the motto “Time for Action” and attended by representatives of more than 150 states, called on the UN General Assembly to launch the Decade of Action for Road Safety.

In May 2010, Russia with co-sponsorship of 100 Member-States tabled a draft resolution that was later adopted by the UN General Assembly and proclaimed the period of 2011-2020 as the Decade of Action for Road Safety. The Global Plan for the Decade provides for five “pillars” of activities, such as improved road safety management, safer road infrastructure, safer vehicles, responsible behavior of road users and post-crash response.

With active involvement from the Russian Federation, the UN General Assembly is adopting road safety resolution every two years. As you may know, the latest was unanimously adopted last April.

We strongly support the inclusion of road safety within the deliberations on the Post-2015 Development Agenda and commend the joint efforts of key stakeholders in this process.

We absolutely agree that the SDGs agenda should not only be aspirational and ambitious, but also achievable.

Russia is aware of the concerns expressed by a number of the UN agencies working in the field of sustainable transport and public health over an “unrealistic timescale” for the target on road traffic fatalities within the health goal 3.6. We take them seriously. We agree that halving road traffic fatalities by 2020 might be difficult for many countries.

But let us not forget that ambitious goals generate enthusiasm and often serve as a major incentive for more sustained, coherent work, improvements and eventually better results.

At the same time, we should be aware of the political context relating to the whole set of the SDGs and absolutely avoid their reopening.

With that in mind Russia will continue to enhance its contribution to global road safety efforts.

I thank you and wish success to all of us in the forthcoming intergovernmental negotiations on the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

Thank you.